Transform your child’s linguistic abilities with the Complete Sentence Smart Grammar Package from T.A.G Reading Skills. This all-in-one package includes The Sentence Smart Step by Step Video course and a color-coded Sentence Smart interactive card set designed to make the construction of sentences, comprehension, and understanding of parts of speech a fun and rewarding experience. Perfectly crafted to help young readers excel, these tools are both easy for parents to use and kids to understand, seamlessly blending textbook precision with interactive grammar exercises. Enhance your child’s reading, writing, and sentence structure skills with this comprehensive and entertaining learning experience. Invest in your child's education with a package that makes mastering grammar a game everyone can enjoy.
Complete Sentence Smart Grammar Package
If for any reason this product does not meet your expectations, please contact us. If we can assist you to fix the problem, we will do so in a personal and timely fashion. If you are still dissatisfied, we will refund your money with no questions asked. Our refund policy lasts for 90 days, which we hope will give you enough time to test the product's effectiveness for your children.
Sentence Smart Interactive Grammar Kit with color-coded parts of speech cards
Sentence Smart Video Course with guided lessons